
Dental Health

Dental Products to be Thankful For (Stocking Stuffer Ideas!)

‘Tis the month for giving thanks. In the dental world, there are so many devices and procedures that we use that we are thankful for, but what about you at home? Part of our job is to inform our clients on the ways to keep their oral health strong and ready-to-shine when holiday photos are … more »

The Toothpaste Guide

You wake up in the morning and start your daily routine. As you reach in the cabinet, you notice the tube of toothpaste is running thin. Squeezing out the very last bit of toothpaste onto your toothbrush, you mark a reminder to go to the store and re-up on your toothpaste supply. But, what should … more »

CEREC Same-Day Crowns at Franklin Family Dentistry

Here you are, in need of a crown, but do you have the time to wait? The process for crowns can take up to weeks or even months to complete, but at Franklin Family Dentistry, we offer the latest cutting-edge and industry-leading CEREC same-day crown technology. We invested in this modern technology so we can … more »